

03 April 2008

Day 365

It has been a year since our unit arrived in Kuwait. We were originally slated for a 495 day deployment, but that has been cut short. President Bush vetoed the bill that would have brought us home much earlier, maybe before the end of last year. Everyone has had their fill of the desert and wants to go home to their family and friends.
New Iraqi Army soldiers arrived a few days ago and are being incorporated into their jobs here at the JCOP. I met a group of them on guard today, both enlisted men and officers. They are generally friendly and always ask the same questions like are you married, do you have kids and have you been to New York. A few of them went to the market to get lunch for everyone and they got me something too. We only get breakfast and dinner chow here at the JCOP so it was nice to get a small sandwich to tide me over. The sun is shining every day and the temperature has been in the 80s. Hopefully we will miss most of the heat that comes with the summer. At night it doesn't get too cold either.

The rest of my squad is out on a mission with one of the bravo platoons. I am at the JCOP pulling guard at the back gate. The situation has both good and bad qualities. There is a chance the team will fire the 60mm mortar without me so I will miss some action. It is kind of fun to fire the mortar handheld, but it is a pain to clean up all the packaging from the round casings. The team will be gone for two days and I have the room where we stay to myself. It is relatively quiet so I can read.

Baseball season has started up and everyone has been watching the NCAA basketball tournament on our satellite TV. I hope they broadcast hockey playoffs on ESPN, the Penguins are 1st place in the East going into the playoffs. I might have to wait till next season to see the action.


Aunt Joan said...

Go Amos!
The recent photos are great. Unc is posting them in the showroom. Maintain your good attitude,you're almost there..or should I say here? Keep on posting!

Anni Matsick said...

Hi Amos,

Hope your buddies are all back safe from the mission. You earned a little down time so I hope you enjoyed it reading the books people have sent. Looking forward to your return!



Janice Pound said...

Hi, Amos
I got your letter today and was eager to visit the site. Thanks for including it this time. Your posts really help get better informed about daily routines there. I know you are counting the days until you can be with family and friends. Stay safe and strong. I will continue to pray for you.
your Titusville, FL friend,
Janice Pound