

13 June 2008

The Wrap-up

Our battalion is back at Fort Lewis, Washington in time for the summer weather. It has been cloudy and a bit cool for this time of year but that is a wonderful contrast to the dry heat of Iraq. The next week will consist of reintegration briefs and medical exams. Yesterday we were lectured on correct conduct in uniform. This morning we did dental check-ups.

It feels great to finally be back in the states after so long. It will take a few weeks to get back in the swing of things but that's fine. Things have changed slightly in the U.S. over the past year. I would describe the differences generally as a quickening of pace in public places and more streamlined operations in stores and the like. I got a cup of coffee at Starbucks and it tasted great. It was partly because I haven't had Starbucks coffee in a while, but I think their house blend got a little better. Prices have gone up but I knew that over in Iraq. Civilians that I have come in contact with are sympathetic and considerate. Most people value what we have done for the country. This is an improvement on the Vietnam era when people were rude to GIs returning home.

Our unit is supposed to redeploy to Iraq in 2010 but I will be out by then. The Army has the right to call me back to duty but I doubt that will happen. It's usually people in leadership positions who are called back. Also with a democratic president taking office there's a good possibility of a troop drawback. Frankly I never want to go back to Iraq. I served one term and that's enough. There were guys with us who were on their second or third deployment and you could see it had a negative effect on them.

My tour in Iraq was a long one, 14 months. Our battalion accomplished a lot over that time. Many terrorist suspects were brought in from the areas we patrolled and things slowly quieted down over the time we were there. There was a noticeable difference in the streets from when we arrived and when we left. The Iraqi Police and Army have picked up some of the slack for us and there is clearly more order in their public works. I am just one person but I know that I made a difference in the war on terror.


Rick Bryant said...


Welcome home!!

Rick Bryant

Anni Matsick said...

Welcome home, Amos! Shake the sand out of your boots and enjoy the solid ground in Tacoma.



amy said...

Welcome Back!!

We are so glad that you have made it home safely. Hunter remembered you in our dinner blessing tonight. I look forward to the time he can spend some time with you.

Love, Amy

Anonymous said...

Wahoo Amos! Welcome Back to the states! So glad you are here safe and sound.

THANK YOU so much for serving your country and for being such an outstanding citizen. We are all so proud and so grateful for your bravey and service!


Linda Weller said...

Thank you...from the bottom of our hearts! You are quite a guy! Welcome home! Hope we see you at the Highlights party!
All the Best,
Linda & Craig

Navinno said...

Respect, Amos!